Fallingwater Livestreams Offer Unique Interior Tours
Pittsburgh, Pa. — December 9, 2020 — Since June 13, Fallingwater has been offering outdoor-only experiences due to COVID-19 safety restrictions. During this time, Fallingwater’s staff has been proactively providing digital content, including free webinars and online educational resources, to keep Fallingwater members, visitors and the public engaged through Fallingwater’s architecture, preservation and collections.
Fallingwater is also offering weekly online livestream events from inside the house. Called “A Closer Look,” these live, interactive broadcasts offer exclusive, behind-the-scenes views and discussions about unique aspects of house’s interior. The next livestreams are being offered Wednesday, December 16 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m., EST, for $15 per stream. In January and February, the livestreams will take place on Saturdays at 11 a.m., EST, for the same price.
Fallingwater Director and Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Vice President Justin Gunther says the livestreams are curated by experienced educators who offer fascinating stories and an in-depth examination of architectural details not presented during traditional house tours.
“These livestreams help participants gain a deeper understanding of why Frank Lloyd Wright designed features in certain ways or how the Kaufmanns used Fallingwater,” Gunther said. “As live broadcasts, participants are encouraged to ask questions as they explore inside the house with our educators.”
Some of the seven livestream topics include “Dining at Fallingwater,” which provides a behind-the-scenes look at the kitchen and dining areas. “Down the Hatch, Under the House” explores the underside of the house’s cantilevers, which is inaccessible during regular tours. Other live sessions explain preservation undertakings and the collection of art and furnishings in various rooms.
Registration is required to participate in the livestreams and available on the Fallingwater website at Fallingwater.org/CloserLook. Attendees can also register by contacting Fallingwater Visitor Services at 724-329-8501 or Fallingwater@paconserve.org.