Gifts of Life Insurance

Fallingwater Plants

By naming the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy or Fallingwater as the owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you can make a significant gift in support of our work over the long term.

A life insurance policy gift that is no longer needed for family protection can make an excellent gift to WPC or Fallingwater. The policy can be presented to WPC/Fallingwater and the donor can realize the tax deduction for a charitable gift. WPC benefits over the long term when the policy comes due.

Younger donors who wish to increase their commitment to WPC but lack at-hand resources can name WPC or Fallingwater as owner and beneficiary of a new life insurance policy. Tax benefits are dependent on the structure of the policy.

Another simple way of supporting our work is to name WPC or Fallingwater as a beneficiary of your existing life insurance policy. This is as simple as contacting your insurance provider to request a new beneficiary form to complete.

For more information and instructions, please contact the development office at 412-586-2336 or