Ken Dahlin
Ken Dahlin, PhD, AIA is an architect and scholar whose work and research centers on the aesthetic and historical foundations of Frank Lloyd Wright’s organic architecture, including Wright’s connection to Japanese Edo-period art. Ken received his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture with his dissertation, “The Aesthetics of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Organic Architecture: Hegel, Japanese Art, and Modernism.” In it he proposes a definition and model of organic architecture. His recent peer-reviewed article “The Japanese Print as a Lens to Understanding Wright’s Organic Space: The Miegakure Effect” appeared in the Andon Journal Society of Japanese Art, Issue 112, Autumn 2021. Ken serves on the board of the Wright in Wisconsin organization and authors a column, “Wright Thoughts” in its newsletter. Ken is CEO of his award-winning firm Genesis Architecture in Racine, Wisconsin which focuses on organic and natural architecture.