Select Bibliography on Fallingwater
Cleary, Richard. “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Kaufmanns of Pittsburgh.” Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly 10 (Spring 1999): 4-11.
Dean, Louise. “Analyzing and Characterizing the Steel Used at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater.” JOM: Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society 55 (March 2003): 11-13.
Gentle, Thomas, and Victoria Jefferies. “Conservation of Furniture at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater.” Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin 21 (1989): 55-61.
Gregory, Brian. “A National Landmark, A Local Story: Fallingwater in the Vernacular Landscape.” ARRIS: the Journal of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians 11 (2000): 55-70.
Gunther, Justin. “The Kaufmanns of Fallingwater: Modern Tastemakers.” Modernism (Spring 2011): 34-41.
Hoesli, Bernard. “Frank Lloyd Wright: Fallingwater.” Architecture and Urbanism 7 (July 1980): 147-166.
Hoffman, Donald. “The Builder at Bear Run.” Journal of the Taliesin Fellows 12 (Winter 1993-1994): 8-11.
Jerome, Pamela, Norman Weiss,a nd Hazel Ephron. “Fallingwater: Materials-Conservation Efforts at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterpiece (Part 2).” Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin 37 (2006): 3-11.
Kaufmann, Jr., Edgar. “Fallingwater at Fifty: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterpiece Is Fresh as Ever.” Interior Design 57 (July 1986): 210-217.
Loper, James, and Jason Hughes. “Post-Tensioned Retrofitting Maintains Landmark’s Aesthetics.” Concrete International (April 2003): 59-64.
MacCormac, Richard Cornelius. “’A Sense of the Marvelous’—Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater.” Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 143 (October 1995): 40-51.
Matteo, J. A. “Fallingwater—Structural Intervention, in Time,” in Claudio Modena, Paulo B. Lourenço, and Pere Roca, eds. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions London: Taylor and Francis Group, 2005, 1335-1340.
Secrest, Meryle. “A Great Architect with Love for Nature and Lots of Fight.” Smithsonian 24 (February 1994): 54-63.
Silman, Robert. “The Plan to Save Fallingwater.” Scientific American 283 (September 2000): 88-95.
Waggoner, Lynda S., and Justin Gunther. “Fallingwater: The Evolution of a Modern House Museum,” in Roberta Grignolo and Bruno Reichlin, eds. Modern Interior Space as an Object of Preservation, Madrid: Mendrisio Academy Press, 2012.
Weiss, Norman, Pamela Jerome, and Stephen Gottlieb. “Fallingwater: Materials-Conservation Efforts at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterpiece (Part 1).” Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin 32 (2001): 44-55.
Cleary, Richard, and Dennis McFadden. Merchant Prince and Master Builder: Edgar J. Kaufmann and Frank Lloyd Wright. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Art, 1999.
Futagawa, Yukio, ed. Kaufmann House, Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, 1936. Tokyo: ADA Edita Tokyo, 1970.
Hoffman, Donald. Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater: The House and Its History. New York: Dover, 1978.
Kaufmann, Edgar. Fallingwater, A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House. New York: Abbeville Press, 1986.
Martinson, Suzanne, Jane Citron, and Robert Sendell. The Fallingwater Cookbook: Elsie Henderson’s Recipes and Memories. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008.
McCarter, Robert. Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright. London: Phaidon, 1994.
Menocal, Narciso G., ed. Fallingwater and Pittsburgh. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press, 2000.
A New House by Frank Lloyd Wright on Bear Run, Pennsylvania. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1938.
Stoller, Ezra. Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2000.
Toker, Franklin. Fallingwater Rising: Frank Lloyd Wright, E.J. Kaufmann, and America’s Most Extraordinary House. New York: A.A. Knopf, 2003.
Waggoner, Lynda, ed. Fallingwater. New York: Rizzoli, 2011.
Waggoner, Lynda S. Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Romance with Nature. New York: Universe Publishing, 1996.
Zevi, Bruno, and Edgar Kaufmann, jr. La Casa sulla Cascata di F. Ll. Wright, F. Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater. Milan: ETAS Kompass, 1963.
Zipf, Catherine W. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater: American Architecture in the Depression Era. New York: Routledge, 2020.