Hidden Fallingwater
Fallingwater is full of the Kaufmann family’s personal collection of sculptures, paintings, textiles and furniture with pieces dating back as far as 750 AD. Between details of its extensive construction in the 1930s and the artwork brought by the Kaufmanns, there is always more to discover with each new glimpse of the house.
How well do you know Fallingwater?
In this interactive activity, test your knowledge of Fallingwater by determining how closely you’ve noticed the details that make it unique. Study each picture to reveal the object’s identity and additional information about each piece in our collections. Enjoy this glimpse into the hidden corners of Fallingwater. Discover your Fallingwater expertise by calculating your ranking after you’ve finished!
Thanks for playing! Calculate your ranking.
0-1—Rookie. Sign up for a tour!
2-3—Novice. A second visit is sometimes even better than the first.
4-5—Fan. We’ve definitely seen you here a few times.
6-7—Connoisseur. Ever think of becoming a tour guide?
8-10—Expert. This may as well be your weekend home.
The “Hidden Fallingwater” contest idea and photos were created and taken by Megan Simpson, the 2018 Fallingwater Fawcett Digital Multimedia Intern.