World Heritage: Visitor Reactions
Fallingwater is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and we’re pleased to celebrate this exciting news with you over the past two months! We appreciate that many of you participated in various visitor activities onsite and shared your Fallingwater memories and thoughts on social media. Share your Fallingwater story with us, too!
“WOW…. this is so cool! My grandfather Jesse Hall was the foreman who was in charge of building this beautiful place!! I’m so happy that I am crying. I wish my father was alive so I could tell him!!!”
“I think it should have come sooner, to be honest. When you think about some of the
buildings that are part of World Heritage sites and that this wasn’t on the list, and it hasn’t been on the list until now. It should’ve come so much sooner. It’s so valuable, not just to architects but to humanity, to everyone.”
“On a trip to D.C. with my son and his family, we were detoured. Suddenly, I saw a road sign, ‘Fallingwater.’ I explained that is a place I want to visit, and I could drive back from Indiana someday to do so. On the way back from D.C., they treated me to a surprise visit. I was thrilled and so touched! We took the tour. It was an amazing experience with my amazing family! This has only been a few weeks ago, and I’m still thinking about it every day.”
“I think it’s great! I’m glad that somebody is conserving, upkeeping and preserving it for the future.”
“In 1969, I was eight years old when I first saw a tiny photograph of Fallingwater in my family’s new set of World Book Encyclopedias. I immediately became fascinated and obsessed with it and Frank Lloyd Wright. I rushed to the library the next day to research all that I could about Fallingwater and Wright. Throughout my entire life, I have purchased books on Wright and visited other wonders created by him. I even remodeled my mid-century house in Dallas, 20 years ago, using Mr. Wright’s style as my inspiration. I had only dreamed of visiting Fallingwater someday. That someday came last year on a visit to Pittsburgh. As we approached the house, the excitement intensified as I heard the rush of water cascading through the Bear Run stream. I stopped on the bridge leading to the house and was overcome with awe as I stood there gazing at this amazing wonder that inspired me as a child.”
“I think that’s great. I’m glad it’s going to be recognized and preserved for future generations”
“I, too, was eight when my mom brought home the World Books. I saw the picture of Fallingwater and I fell in love with the home.”
“Great! Fallingwater was always the favorite field trip for my gifted students over the years. I took several groups there. We would study cantilevering before our visit.”